Young Adults

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Young Adults Life Groups are at the heart of a vibrant Young Adults ministry at CLM.  At this time our YA Life Groups are continuing to meet and support each other via Zoom – at least once a week. 

If you would like to know more about Life Groups or already know you would like to join one, just drop us an email by clicking here.

Once ‘lockdown’ is over, we are excited to continue with our programme of special Young Adults Events such as ‘Life Nights’ (when all our 18-30’s come together), Socials, our Annual Weekend Away and Christmas Ball and much more!  

We love coming together as the wider Young Adults community for special events and this is also a great opportunity to reach wider and bring friends, family and work colleagues to church. We will often spend some time in worship, receive some relevant teaching, have the opportunity for discussion and of course, there is usually great food and coffee involved!



If you would like to get involved, or if have any questions about CLM Young Adults, you can send our Young Adults team an e-mail by clicking here.

You can also stay connected with everything that is happening by following us on Facebook and Instagram: @clmyoungadults