Staff Employee Vacancies
CLM Church
There are presently no employed staff vacancies at CLM Church. Please keep an eye out in our Sunday notices, e-news, CLM socials and this web site for any new advertised positions.
CLM Conferencing
Monday to Friday during normal office hours, CLM makes its excellent building and facilities accessible to external organisations through CLM Conferencing. The revenue and profit generated from the hosting of conferences and events is used to support CLM and its mission partners.
The conference business requires a dedicated and professional team of casual porters to help facilitate the setting of rooms and to assist with conference facilitation. We are not recruiting at present, but please keep an eye out for any updates to this page, or email to be kept informed about CLM Conferencing porter opportunities.
Staff Volunteer Vacancies
CLM Church
In addition to our phenomenal Sunday serving teams, we are also incredibly grateful for a small team of staff volunteers who bring their workplace professional experience and / or spare time to assist in the outworking of CLM’s many ministries.
We are currently advertising the following staff volunteer roles at CLM Church.
If you are interested in any of the positions listed below (onsite and remote based opportunities available), please complete the linked application form, or to request a PDF or paper copy for completion, email