You can take part in this year’s Vision Offering by making an outright ‘one-off’ donation, or making a ‘faith-pledge’ to be paid over the next 12 months – or a combination of the two.
Whichever way you want to take part (including making a bank transfer or card payment), PLEASE use the form below so we can be sure to capture your contribution in the Vision Offering total – and not confuse it with general ‘tithes and offerings’. If you have completed a paper pledge form, you do not need to complete the online form below.
Thank you so much for being involved!
If you are making an outright gift in the next few days, please do so using one of the following methods:
Bank Transfer
Please reference your gift ‘VO24 | Surname | CLM Gift Aid No.’ E.g. VO24BLOGGS123
Please make payments to:
Name on Account: Christian Life Ministries
Sort Code: 40-18-38
Account No: 81461087Bank Card
Click Here to make a payment by Bank Card (please also complete the pledge card below)
Cheque - made payable to ‘Christian Life Ministries’
Please post cheques to: CLM Church, 47 Parkside, Coventry, CV1 2HG
Via the ‘MyChurchSuite’ App
And then please confirm your outright gift using the simple form below…

2024 Online Pledge Card
CLM Kids’ Vision Offering
As usual we are inviting all CLM Kids to be involved in this year’s special Vision Offering.
We believe God loves it when we ask Him what to do and respond in faith.
On Vision Sunday, all CLM Kids who attend the services in person will have the opportunity to make a gift or pledge during their time in Treasure Kids.
For all CLM Kids joining online, please click the button below to make your pledge.
Everything pledged will go towards the grand total.
Vision Sunday over the last few years has become such a key, significant date in the church diary. It gives us the opportunity to look back with thanks at what God has done in and through us as a church, whilst looking forward to what we believe He wants to do next.
Please click below to view this year’s Vision Booklet.