Meet the Team
If you're new to CLM, and are checking out who we are and what we’re about, we’re really glad you’re here! We’d love to get to know you, and would be happy to answer any questions you have about us as a church, or chat about any elements of life or faith.
If you are new, and are joining us on a Sunday Morning, then be sure to visit our Connect Point at the end of the service. Alternatively, if you are joining us online, then click here and fill in the simple online form, and a member of the team will get in touch.
Below are some of the staff team, whose faces it may be helpful to know. Beyond this team, we have a number of additional staff members, interns, and an army of excellent voluntary team leaders and team members who serve week in, week out.
Senior Pastors
Martin & Esther Storey
Martin and Esther bring overall leadership to CLM in conjunction with the other elders. They married in 1997 and have 3 grown up children, Samuel, Nathan and Anna-Grace. They moved to Coventry in 2012 to lead CLM. They are passionate about serving Jesus, being full of the Holy Spirit, seeing lives totally transformed by the Gospel, the Presence of God, seeing the Church be all she can be and they long to be part of a move of God in the nation.
They are increasingly supported by an outstanding staff and ministry team that carry significant day-to-day leadership
The 'elders' are responsible for vision, doctrine and overall 'health' of the church. Serving alongside Martin and Esther is Donald Browne-Marke, Jonathan Chand and Pam Billy Fom.
Staff Team
Matthew Davis
General Manager (Finance & Administration)
Anna-Marie Adjei
Sunday Hospitality
Adam (AJ) Brown
Assistant Pastor (Communications & Events/Production)
Lewis Driver
Schools Worker
Gabriel Gbadebo
Youth Pastor
Gary Ruck
Finance Manager/Company Secretary
Jonathan Chand
Assistant Pastor (Training & Development)
Kim Legate
Assistant Pastor (Life Groups & Pastoral Care)
Liane Rosa
Kids Pastor
Luke Williams
Assistant Pastor (Ministries Overseer & Young Adults)
Mark Beswick
Worship Pastor
Steve Jones
Assistant Pastor (Missions & Safeguarding Lead)
Tracy Mumbi
Student Pastor
Board of Directors
The CLM Board is responsible for the legal governance of CLM, overseeing finance and all areas of risk. The directors are Matthew Davis, James Ombudo, Matthew Baines, Olivett Ihama, Abiodun Adeyemi, Abisola Adisa, Nigel Davis, Andrew Hillier, Andrew Malone and Martin Storey.
If you’re like to get in touch with any of the team, you can e-mail: or call us on 02476 226698. Do have a browse around our website, and we would love to see you on Sunday at 9.15am or 11.30am.