Carriers of Hope
Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2022
Carriers of Hope are a brilliant charity who support refugee and asylum seeker families across Coventry. Each Christmas they aim to collect hundreds of shoeboxes of presents for the children in these families and over the last few years CLM have done a great job of supporting this project.
This year the number of families in desperate need in
Coventry has increased dramatically.
The City Council’s Social Services have now partnered with Carriers of Hope to ask for Christmas gifts for as many children and young people as possible who are not going to get any other Christmas presents this year.
This is an incredible opportunity to help bless and support children and young people in Coventry who are living in poverty.
This year we are collecting for teenagers
Step 1 – Find an empty shoebox (or shoebox-sized box with a separate lid)
Step 2 – Wrap the box and lid separately in Christmas wrapping paper so it can still be opened
Step 3 – Fill the box with presents for a boy or girl who is a teenager
Step 4 - Put an elastic band around it. Please don’t stick it down.
Fill the box with presents such as sweets, notebooks, pens, toiletries, small games, hats and scarves, fluffy socks, crafts, toothbrush and toothpaste, purse / wallet, headphones etc
You choose what you think the teenager you’re packing for would like.