21 Days of Prayer- Kids Wall Chart
Please use this day by day guide along with your Wall Chart, to help you and your family journey through the 21 Days. There is a short video for each day that shares a little more on the verse and helps you with the days activity.
Day 1
As children we love songs, music & dancing and we often learn so much through singing too. When we share our favourite song and sing out loud we are celebrating and praising God but also helping to ourselves and other to remember why it is so special to be a child of God!
Day 2
It is so important to eat and drink, it is part of what keeps us healthy. However if all we ever do is consume but never burn the energy off, that isn't so good for us. In just the same way, spiritually we need to feed on God's Word but just as importantly we need to put into action the things that we learn.
Day 3
Most of us love to be on the go doing the things we enjoy, but how often do you stop and slow down? Rest is an important part of looking after yourself and when we do this it also creates space to listen to the things you can miss in the busyness. A quiet space is a great time to hear from God too, maybe through reading or listening to music.
Day 4
God loved us, before we even realised it. We can show love to other people, who we don't know by doing things for them, even when they don't realise it. Praying for them to know God's love is one example of this.
Day 5
Each day we can wake up and celebrate so many things that we have been blessed with. Most of those things will also mean that you have people around you to be thankful for to. One way God shows His love to us is through the people in our lives. We should always praise God for them (as well as saying thank you to the people too!).
Day 6
When we pray to God asking for His help, we can sometimes forget about it later on. Then when the next challenge arrives and we're struggling, we have forgotten about how he provided for us the last time around. Creating a prayer box is a great way to look back at all of the amazing things God does for us and how he answers our prayers.
Day 7
You can't build a house with a single stone or brick. It takes lots and lots, of different shapes and sizes. The bible describes God's people, the Church, as being like a house, He draws together lots of people to build not an empty building but a living breathing Church that is joined together by Jesus.
Day 8
Playing hide & seek, sometimes it's really easy to find people but sometimes it's not because that person is so determined to stay out of sight they make themselves really small or camouflage really well. We can sometimes do that with the bits of us that aren't so good. We try to ignore the not so good bits or the things we worry about because we really don't want anyone else to see it, but God wants us to find it out and deal with it.
Day 9
When the bible talks about battles against the enemy we might start thinking about images we see on telly or in books of people running around in suits of armour, maybe riding horses or shooting arrows from the top of a fort. The bible does use this imagery to help us understand but our weapons are very different, they are not neccesarily things you can hold/wear but are the things we do and know.
Day 10
Looking after our bodies is important to help us stay as healthy as possible. Having others around and getting into a good routine makes it easier to keep doing it. It's just the same with the habits that help us draw closer to God. Reading our bible, praying, singing songs of worship all help to strengthen us in our walk with God and doing these things with someone else means we're more likely to do it too!
For more videos just head to our 21 Days of Prayer playlist by clicking here!