Prayer and Praise
Friday 1 may

In the absence of us being able to gather together for Prayer and Praise, we are inviting you to pray in your homes using the template below, as we seek to align our prayers together. May the Lord grace you with His Presence as we call on Him in prayer…

Read Psalm 23 aloud: Begin to speak out thanks and praise to God for all that He is and does for us, as expressed in this Psalm.

Song: Goodness of God

Pray for Relationships and Connection during lockdown: For those living alone that they would be able to connect meaningfully with others, that they would know the reality of the Presence of God with them and would remain emotionally and mentally well.

For relationships of those living together during lockdown – for grace and understanding. For marriages to be strengthened, and for grace and breakthrough in those relationships where there were already tensions before lockdown.

For relationships between parents and children; For working parents to find time for meaningful engagement with children; For patience and energy for those parenting in the limitations of lockdown; For God’s grace to help where parents are trying to assist children as they learn at home.

Pray for Health: Pray for those who are sick either with Coronavirus or something else – that God would heal them and be very close to them while they are unwell. Pray for those who are caring at home for those who are sick – that they would have grace and strength and protection where needed.

Pray for those who are grieving the loss of a loved-one; that they may know God’s comfort and provision and may be able to connect with people who they can talk to, to help them to process their loss.

Song: Dance Again

Reaching Wider: Pray for those who don’t know Jesus, that in the uncertainty of this season they would think differently about God

Pray for hearts to be softened towards God by the Holy Spirit. Name before God any friends, family, colleagues or neighbours who don’t yet know Jesus.

Pray for boldness in us as Christians to share about Jesus and to share the link to online church and pray for Muslims in Ramadan that as they fast and pray at home they would have dreams and visions that reveal Jesus to them.

CLM: Pray for the church to be strengthened in its Christ-centred community.

Pray for online services and ministries to carry the Presence of God and to encourage and minister to people in their homes.

Pray for everyone in the church to connect and journey together through the devotion in Acts – that God would work in us as a body by his Holy Spirit, even as we are unable to gather physically in the same place.

Take a moment to be still before God and to listen. Is God speaking to you about something specific either to encourage you or for you to pray for?

Is God reminding you of a Bible verse or showing you something you a picture of something? Respond in prayer to what you sense God is saying or showing you.

Song: God With Us

NHS: Pray for Doctors, nurses, care workers, paramedics and other health professionals and hospital staff, for protection, health, grace and strength. Pray that they would have all the protective equipment that they need and that the UK would work fairly with other nations so that resources are fairly shared.

Pray for the UK to be able to carry out all the testing that is needed and for protection for those who run testing centres.

Pray especially for staff working with very sick patients providing end of life care, that they might encounter the love and Presence of God as followers of Jesus die, and He takes them home to be with Him.

Provision and the Economy: Pray that in this season ethical businesses will prevail.

Pray especially for those in CLM who run their own business that they would have wisdom and that God would help and bless them in the midst of the economic challenges. Pray for families and individuals to have everything they need for each day – food, shelter and enough to pay their bills and pray for generosity to flourish.

Government and World Leaders: Pray for our Prime minister and cabinet that they will have wisdom and insight as they make decisions; that they will fear God and seek his help in prayer.

Pray for WHO (World Health Organisation) as they seek to coordinate the global response to the pandemic; pray that there will be collaboration and rapid progress towards the development of a vaccine. Pray for the nations of the earth with less-well-developed health systems, that they might be protected from the virus until a vaccine is found.

Song: This We Know