Prayer and Praise

June 2020

In the absence of us being able to gather together for Prayer and Praise, we are inviting you to pray in your homes using the template below, as we seek to align our prayers together. May the Lord grace you with His Presence as we call on Him in prayer…

We invite you to journey through this plan together with us between 7-8pm on Friday 5 June, but it can be used at any time! We offer suggestions of how to pray but please don’t feel constrained if you want to pray more broadly. Some of the songs in the links may be a little longer or shorter than the time allowed in this guide. Please use them as you see fit.  You can always move to prayer as a song continues to play!


Read Psalm 46 aloud and use the words of the psalm to help you to speak out praise, thanks and worship to God


Song: Great are you Lord


Most of you will be aware that there has been a significant response and impact both in the US and here in the UK, to the brutal killing of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in the US last week. We will speak into this during this Sunday’s online service. During this time of prayer, we invite you to:

Pray for George Floyd’s family, especially his daughter and her mother and his wider family as they grieve.

Pray for justice to be done regarding this and the many other recent racist killings.

Pray for change in institutions where systemic racism and bias currently go unchallenged – in the US, in the UK and in any other place that the Lord puts on your heart.

Pray for the many who feel deep pain at this time because of the historic, systemic and personal expressions of racism that have impacted them.

Pray for CLM – a diverse community where we continue to strive for unity and genuine love for one another – that we would be able to use this fresh focus on racism as an opportunity to grow together, forging honest dialogue, healthy conversations, better understanding, and, with grace, love and humility, deeper unity.


We invite you to be still before the Lord – invite Him to examine your heart: Do you carry pain that needs healing? Invite Holy Spirit to show you and to begin a work of healing.

Where do you lack love? What bias, prejudice or racism exists in your heart? Repent and ask God to change your heart.

(If you need longer please don’t feel the need to rush or hold to the timings.)


Song: Lord I need you


We are going to move to pray into Open Heaven:

Pray for salvation in Coventry, that all would be saved.

Pray for removal of all obstructions – pride, unbelief, deception, lies, hardness of heart.

Pray for God to shine his light into the hearts of men and women so that they have a revelation of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6-7).

Pray by name for family, friends, neighbours and colleagues who don’t yet know Jesus.


Pray for the blessing of God over the city of Coventry:

Pray for God’s blessing over individuals, over marriages and families, and over those whose families have broken down.

Pray for God’s blessing on ethical businesses in the city – especially at this challenging time economically.

Pray for God’s blessing on our doctors, nurses, health care workers and for any who are in high-risk occupations due to COVID-19.

Pray for God’s blessing on those who are vulnerable and are shielding, lonely or struggling, and those who are bereaved and grieving.


Song: The Blessing

We invite you to use this song as a declaration of blessing over those we have been praying for.


Pray for the Kingdom of God to Come in Coventry:

Pray for healing, for release from oppression; for justice; for righteousness; for release from poverty; for creation of jobs; for release from addictions; for conviction of sin and for revelation of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

Pray for restoration and reconciliation where it is needed.


Pray for God’s kingdom to come in the 7 spheres of society: The Church | Family | Education | Government | Business and Finance | Media | Arts, Entertainment & Sport.

You might want to pray for all of these, or focus on a couple, especially if you have a personal affiliation or point of connection or influence in those spheres.


Song: Here as in Heaven

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Thank you for joining with us to pray!

May the Lord bless you abundantly.