Prayer and Praise
Friday 3 April

In the absence of us being able to gather together for Prayer and Praise, we are inviting you to pray in your homes using the template below, as we seek to align our prayers together. May the Lord grace you with His Presence as we call on Him in prayer…

Read Psalm 33 aloud. Begin to speak out thanks and praise to God, using the words of the psalm for inspiration if this is helpful

Worship Song: God You’re So Good:

Pray for the Church – for God’s people that they would know His peace and His Presence; That they would keep their eyes fixed on Him and have confidence in His Faithfulness.
Pray for the ministries of CLM as they have moved online – that members of the church of all ages will engage, connect with one another and keep growing in God
Pray for unity in the church even as we are scattered.
Useful verses: Hebrews 12:1-3

Pray for those living alone– that they wouldn’t be lonely but would know the Presence of God and connection with others.
Pray for marriages in lockdown, particularly where there may be existing tensions, pray for God’s Grace and breakthrough in this season.
Pray for relationships with parents and children in the intensity of lockdown together – for grace and for relationships to be strengthened 
Useful verse: 2 Corinthians 13:14

Worship Song: A Mighty Fortress

Pray for those who don’t know Jesus Christ and don’t have the certainty that we do: Pray for those who are worried, fearful, anxious, depressed or bored. Pray that God would surround and protect them. Pray that they might have contact with friends or family who are Christians who would be able to point them to Jesus. 
Useful verse: Numbers 6:24-26

Pray that in this season we will Reach Wider: Pray for the hardness of people’s hearts to be softened and the blindness of their eyes to the gospel to be removed: Pray that many would see and receive Jesus in this season. In your prayer, name any individuals that you are asking God to be at work in.
Useful verses: 2 Corinthians 4:4-6

Pray for those who are sick that God would be close to them and heal them.
Pray for those who are at home, caring for a family member who is sick that they would have health and strength themselves.
Pray for those who are grieving or bereaved – that they would know the comfort and Presence of Jesus.
Useful verse: Isaiah 61:3

Worship Song: Great Is Your Faithfulness

Pray for the NHS – for Doctors, nurses, health care workers and managers and leaders – for wisdom, strength, grace and protection
Pray for protection for those caring for those who are sick with COVID-19
Pray for all that is needed, to be put in place to make testing for COVID-19  available where it is most needed.
Useful verse: Psalm 91

Pray for our Prime Minister and Government that they would have wisdom
Pray for governments around the world that they would lead with wisdom, humility and integrity. Pray that this pandemic would lead them to a place of humility and fear of God that will make room for God’s kingdom to come in the nations of the earth.
Useful verses: 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Pray for God’s provision: Pray for ethical businesses to prevail in spite of the challenges;
Pray for families and individuals to have what they need each day – their daily bread.
Pray for generosity to flourish – in government, in business, in those with significant wealth and also in each us – that what there is will be shared and sown. Thank God that He is the God who provides.
Useful verses: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Worship Song: There's Nothing That Our God Can’t Do