Update: 27 November 2020
As you will be well aware, from 22 March this year, we have been required to move Church ‘Online’, delivering our Sunday Services and weekly ministry through a range of online platforms. Firstly, we would love to say a big thank you for your continued engagement. We know that this season has not been easy, but it has been great to maintain a number of points of connection, including our Life Groups, the YouTube Chat on Sunday Mornings and much more.
As a Leadership Team, we have been paying close attention to the Government Guidelines for places of worship, and this has allowed us to transition and evolve our approach to recording Church Online. Whilst we were required to initially record all of the elements of our services from home, it has been great to have the freedom to record our times of worship and other elements in the church building. Prior to Lockdown 2.0, we were delighted to be able to welcome back small numbers of the congregation to attend the recording of our broadcast and further to the recent updates from the Government, we are excited to be able to open up bookings to attend our ‘Live Worship Experience’ on Sunday 6 and Sunday 13 December.
In the coming weeks, we will be continuing to ‘pre-record’ our Sunday Services at church and we would like to take this opportunity to invite members of the congregation to be present, as we record our times of worship and other elements of the service.
We are sure that for many it will be life-giving to gather with fellow believers to worship and whilst it is essential that we follow some specific guidelines, with your compliance, we are confident that we can outwork this safely. Although we would love to have everyone back in the building, with current social distancing requirements, and our desire to ensure that everyone who enters the building does so safely, we are limited in the numbers of people that can safely enter the building and Grace Auditorium. Therefore, in order to manage spaces, and to comply with NHS Test and Trace, we need you you to book into a service... which might feel a little strange!
Here are a few things to help you and us:
Given that we can only fit limited numbers into the Grace Auditorium, and there is only one recording per week, the primary way church will continue to meet is online via the CLM Church YouTube Channel.
You will be required to book a ‘ticket’, that is for the number of people that will be attending from your household. Should any member of your household or support bubble no longer be available to attend, please notify us as soon as possible, by e-mailing:
Please only book into one of the sessions. Whilst we hope to open up subsequent dates, we are simply opening up three initial dates as a trial period.
The recording will commence at 2.30pm, however, we are asking everyone to arrive at 2.00pm, to allow time to check-in, briefing and to accompany you to your designated seat. If you arrive late, you may not be allowed into the building.
There is no children’s work. We are unable to facilitate children’s programmes at present given the restrictions on places of worship.
Families will have to sit together for the duration of the recording. Parents and carers are responsible for keeping their children with them at ALL times. This is for the protection of others in the auditorium. If children are not supervised, we will have no choice but to ask you to leave for the safety and well being of the congregation.
In line with UK Law, you will be required to wear a face covering at all times whilst inside the Church Building. For children aged 11 and under, face coverings are not mandatory, but may be worn if parents prefer.
Upon signing up for one of the Worship Experiences, we will be asking everyone to fully read our Live Worship Experience Guidelines and confirm that you have done so. It is vitally important that you fully understand these and agree to adhere to all elements of the guidance.
Some other questions you may be asking:
How long will the recording take?
Due to the nature of a recording session, this could vary. Whilst we will aim to do everything in ‘one take’, there may be times when due to technical issues, we may have to do a second take. We are aiming to be all finished by 4.30pm at the latest. If it looks as though we might run past this time, we will take a break and allow people to leave safely should they wish to.Who and what will I see?
Numbers of the church team and staff; others from the congregation arriving for the recording; the building; the band; those leading the ministry.Will it be different?
Simply put, yes. It is a recording, so the direction of ministry will be towards the camera rather than the congregation. There will be a lot fewer people than normal, physically distanced and wearing face covering. There will be a host to welcome you and explain what is happening at all times and then as the ministry is recorded, you will be able to enjoy the presence of God and engage from where you are seated. You will need to enter the building, register on entry and then be shown your allocated seat. At the end you will need to exit the building but physcially distanced conversations can take place in the car park.It sounds a bit strict. Will it be odd?
While we must all play our part in keeping the environment COVID-safe, make no mistake, we are so excited to be welcoming you back to CLM’s building and we are confident you will feel at home and have a wonderful time!Where should I park?
If you are coming by car, you can park in the TechnoCentre.
Please select the date below that you would like to book in for. If you have any difficulties booking online, please feel free to give the Church Office a call, Monday - Friday (9.00am-4.00pm) on 024 7622 6698 or drop us an e-mail to:
Please note that spaces are very limited and will be given on a first come - first served basis. We would kindly ask you to ensure that you are able to attend the recording before booking. If the service you would like to attend is full, please select the ‘Put me on the Waiting List’ ticket. Should any spaces become available, we will reach out to those who have expressed an interest.
Thank you for your understanding!