Welcome to our Family Zone!

During this time when we are unable to meet together due to the Government’s guidelines about managing the coronavirus pandemic, we have moved our Church Services online.

Accordingly, our kids work at CLM is now online. Please see below for this week’s activities, along with some great resources we recommend for kids.

Also, keep you eyes on this section of our website as we will continue to add new resources and ideas ongoing.

You can also send our Kids Team any ideas you’ve got, to – and please title your email ‘Kids Team’.


THIS WEEK (w/C Sunday 29 March)


Weekly challenge

We hope you enjoy our first CLM Kids video as part of church online. Will you take up this week’s challenge?!



This week, we will be bringing you the story of Joseph etc.

Click here to download the accompanying activity sheet



During our Sunday Online Service, we have got a Sermon Notes sheet that may be helpful in engaging your young person with the service. To download this, simply click here.


To access any of our previous resources, please click the appropriate link below:

w/c Sunday 15 March

w/c Sunday 22 March

Suggested Resources

Bible App for Kids

This is an app which has interactive stories for the children to listen to or read. It is supported by further resources online for parents. (if you have a YouVersion account for Bible App you can use the same account for this)

Guardians of Ancora

This is an app-based game designed for primary school aged children. It gives children and families the opportunity to 'enter into' Bible stories and explore them in a digital world. The game includes videos to watch, quizzes and more. There is a parent portal online for you to keep track of the game.


Same Boat Music we have looked to see how we can support children to continue singing at home during this challenging time!  To help they have made all of their MP3 downloads free, for a limited time. They have also worked with their sister organisation (Out of the Ark) to create an @ HOME section to our website that offers further FREE songs and resources! (Lots of Primary school children will find the music familiar as many schools use Out of the Ark music).


This site is full of bible-based games and videos, including a daily bible challenge. You may need to register for a free account to access some content.



We have put together a Spotify Playlist containing a mix of songs that will be familiar to our Little Treasures and Treasure Kids:

If you are discovering CLM online for the first time, then our morning church service times under ‘normal’ conditions are 9.15am and 11.30am and in both we have exceptional kids ministry for ‘Little Treasures’ (ages 2-4) and ‘Treasure Kids’ (School Reception to Year 6) as well as a Parent and Baby Room into which the service is relayed live.  There is no CLM kids work in our 6.00pm service.