Through the week from Sunday 2nd June to Sunday 9th June there are many different projects that you can join, supporting different charities and sharing Jesus with our city.
Take a look at the timetable to see all the different projects.
Please note that if your child is part of CLM Youth Leadership Programme or CLM Young Leaders there are specific projects for these groups to do with Youth Leaders. They will receive information about booking into these projects through their Youth Leaders.
Decide which project or projects you want to be part of. You can do one in the week and/or one on Saturday. On Saturday you can chose one morning project and one afternoon project if the slots allocated allow, but some projects are all day. Make sure they don’t overlap with each other.
Scroll down the page to find the project you want to be involved in, on the day you want to do it. Click on the book in button to book into that project. You must do this for all the members of your family/group.
Once you have booked onto a project you will receive an email confirmation.
If you have any questions, please contact go@clmchurch.co.uk
Monday 3 June
Sharing Jesus
We will be heading into the city centre to offer members of the public an opportunity to have a conversation about faith and offer prayer.
AGE GUIDELINES: All under 18’s must be with an adult at all times in town as this project interacts directly with members of the public.
Hamper Packing
Put together a yummy hamper full of delights. We will then take these food hampers to the local people around church and beyond to bless them.
AGE GUIDELINES: 12+. All under 18’s must be with an adult.

Tuesday 4 June
Carriers of Hope Warehouse
Help Carriers of Hope sort and tidy their warehouse. Carriers of Hope are a local charity that supports refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants and provides furniture and household items, baby equipment and toys to hundreds of families across the city. Supporting them through tidying their warehouse helps them to distribute these items more easily.
AGE GUIDELINES: 14+ only. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Litter Picking
A great option for everyone no matter how old you are. Grab a litter picker, high vis jacket and gloves and head out to tidy our city. Last year people on this project also had opportunities to speak to the public about why they were doing this.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone and good for families. All under 18’s must be with an adult.

Wednesday 5 June
Carriers of Hope Food Hub
Be part of the team that helps sort and serve food at Carriers of Hope Food Hub which supports Refugee, Migrant or Asylum Seeker residents in the CV1 area of the city.
AGE GUIDELINES: Over 18’s only.
Clothing Coventry
Clothing Coventry, Coventry’s only clothing bank, provides hundreds of clothing packs for 300-400 people a month. They need our help to sort and package up the clothes that have been donated, which will allow them to distribute them more efficiently.
AGE GUIDELINES: Over 18’s only.
Serving Team for Synergy Afternoon Tea
Synergy is our amazing 60+ ministry. This is special Wednesday afternoon for synergy and friends to enjoy cakes, coffee and tea. Be part of the team who will help set up, serve refreshments and clear away to make this a great time for Synergy and their invited friends.
AGE GUIDELINES: Over 18’s only.
Synergy Afternoon Tea
If you are 60+ and have not yet joined Synergy, you are welcome to come to the Synergy Afternoon Tea to meet all the lovely people who attend. There will be a short service followed by tea and cakes.
Guardian Ballers Prayer Walk
In preparation for the Guardian Ballers Project on the Saturday we will be prayer walking Manor Farm Estate and delivering fliers to the local community to advertise the project.

Thursday 6 June
Carriers of Hope Warehouse
Help Carriers of Hope sort and tidy their warehouse. Carriers of Hope are a local charity that supports refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants and provides furniture and household items, baby equipment and toys to hundreds of families across the city. Supporting them through tidying their warehouse helps them to distribute these items more easily.
AGE GUIDELINES: 14+ only. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Clothing Coventry
Clothing Coventry, Coventry’s only clothing bank, provides hundreds of clothing packs for 300-400 people a month. They need our help to sort and package up the clothes that have been donated, which will allow them to distribute them more efficiently.
AGE GUIDELINES: Over 18’s only.

Friday 7 June
Foodbank Supermarket Collection
Based in a Coventry supermarket you will encourage shoppers to donate items to Coventry Foodbank to support the hundreds of people who are in need of food packages this month.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone. All under 18’s must be with an adult.

Saturday 8 June
Foodbank Warehouse: Feed the Hungry Packing Event
Help Feed the Hungry package up 20,000 meals to send to areas with desperate need around the world.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone and good for families. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Sharing Jesus
We will be heading into the city centre to offer members of the public an opportunity to have a conversation about faith and offer prayer.
AGE GUIDELINES: All under 18’s must be with an adult at all times in town as this project interacts directly with members of the public.
6-a-side Football
Invite your friends who are not yet Christians to come and play alongside you in a 6-a-side football tournament. The event aims to build community and have opportunities to share about Jesus. The teams will be put together on the day. Book a place for yourself and tell us who your friend will be – you do not need to book an additional place for your friend. Each place booked is for two people.
AGE GUIDELINES: Over 16’s only.
Carriers of Hope Warehouse
Help Carriers of Hope sort and tidy their warehouse. Carriers of Hope are a local charity that supports refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants and provides furniture and household items, baby equipment and toys to hundreds of families across the city. Supporting them through tidying their warehouse helps them to distribute these items more easily.
AGE GUIDELINES: 14+ only. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Good Neighbours Gardens
Good neighbours support lonely and isolated over 50’s in the city by recruiting volunteer befrienders. We will be going to some of their clients’ gardens to give them a good tidy up and chat to them. We aim to brighten up the clients’ homes and their day.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone and good for families. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Hamper Packing
Put together a yummy hamper full of delights. We will then take these food hampers to the local people around church and beyond to bless them.
AGE GUIDELINES: 12+. All under 18’s must be with an adult
Family Crafts
Family crafts:
Have fun making cards and crafts to take to neighbours and friends or family. A great way to include little ones and big ones alike in blessing our city.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone. All under 18’s must be with an adult. You must stay with your child at this project.
Henley Green Primary School
Help clear and paint outdoor areas at Henley Green. This will be a fun time making the outdoor spaces a little brighter to bless the children in our city. This is a project if you really want to get practical and get stuck in.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Clifford Bridge Primary School
Help clear and paint outdoor areas at Clifford Bridge. This will be a fun time making the outdoor spaces a little brighter to bless the children in our city. This is a project if you really want to get practical and get stuck in.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Litter Picking
A great option for everyone no matter how old you are. Grab a litter picker, high vis jacket and gloves and head out to tidy our city. Last year people on this project also had opportunities to speak to the public about why they were doing this.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone and good for families. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
Reset the Building
Help reset CLM Central ready for the Sunday services. This will include tidying up, cleaning, moving chairs and more. Being on this team will really help the end of our big day finish well. There might even be a few extra tasty treats to keep us going.
AGE GUIDELINES: Open to anyone. All under 18’s must be with an adult.
All Saints Primary School
Help clear and paint outdoor areas at All Saints Primary. This will be a fun time making the outdoor spaces a little brighter to bless the children in our city. This is a project if you really want to get practical and get stuck in.
Clothing Coventry Warehouse
Clothing Coventry, Coventry’s only clothing bank, provides hundreds of clothing packs for 300-400 people a month. They need our help to sort and package up the clothes that have been donated, which will allow them to distribute them more efficiently.
Guardian Ballers
Guardian Ballers is a mental health and wellbeing service that exists to empower young people to become happy, healthy and community-transformers through Basketball. This basketball and wellbeing project will be based in Manor Farm Estate in Coventry and will involve working with young people from the local community. If you are interested in joining this project click on the link and fill in the short form.
AGE GUIDELINES: Over 18’s only.
Synergy Care Home Visits
Synergy (our over 60’s ministry) are going into 4 different care homes to lead a simple service and share Jesus love with the residents and staff. They will also take in a hamper full of goodies as a blessing.

Sunday 9 June
Serving Team - Community Welcome
We are hosting a small gathering for anyone who we meet during Go! to come and find out more about CLM. We will be serving refreshments and chatting to the people who come along. Be part of the team to help set up and run this event.
AGE GUIDELINES: All under 18’s must be with an adult.