You can set up a bank transfer, or regular gift by standing order through your bank’s website or mobile app using the account information below:
Account name: Christian Life MinistriesAccount number: 81461087Sort code: 40-18-38Reference: Surname.Initial/GA_Number (e.g. BLOGG.S/245)
If you make a bank transfer, or set up a standing order, please let the finance office know your name, the reference you use and what the gift is for by emailing
To give online, simply click here and follow the onscreen instructions.
From here you can set up regular or one off giving to the church by debit card or credit card.
We are so grateful for the many hundreds of people, who in being part of CLM, give financially. CLM’s work - its ministries and mission - is funded by the generous and faithful giving of the congregation.
At CLM we believe God Himself is the most extravagant Giver of all. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son… (John 3:16). We also believe that stewardship and generosity with wealth are major subjects in the Bible and specifically:
We are all encouraged to be generous in giving to the work of God (see esp. 2 Cor 8:1-7 and 9:6-12)
First things belong to God and we should tithe (give 10%) as a starting point (see esp. Mal 3:6-12)
God will judge us on our relative generosity, not the actual amount given (see esp. Luke 21:1-4 and Matt 25:14-30)
For a more comprehensive teaching on what we believe about giving, please listen to the 3 sermons by Ps. Martin from 12, 19 and 26 March 2017 by clicking here.
It you would like to play your part in giving, please see below, speak to any of the leaders on a Sunday or email