Gift Aid Declaration - Future Donations
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can register for Gift Aid, boosting your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.
Gift Aid allows us to reclaim basic tax paid on donations made by UK taxpayers. This means that if you give 200.00 and make a Gift Aid Declaration, your overall contribution will now be worth £250.00.
Whichever way you choose to give, we’ll provide you with an opportunity to claim Gift Aid. If you choose to give via the App or Online, we’ll prompt you to register for Gift Aid whilst you give.
If you’re giving via Bank Transfer or an an envelope during a Sunday Service, you will need to complete the Gift Aid declaration form below. Once we have received your Gift Aid declaration, our finance team will issue you with a Gift Aid Number. For us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, you will then simply need to reference this Gift Aid Number each time you make a donation via Bank Transfer, or when you give on a Sunday using one of our Giving Envelopes.
Once completed, please scan the form and e-mail it to:
Alternatively, you can send it to us by post at: CLM Church, 47 Parkside, Coventry, CV1 2HG.
Manage Your Giving
You can now log in and manage your own giving online via My ChurchSuite. This gives you access to giving history, export giving statements, update recurring giving and amend your Gift Aid declaration.
If you require access to ‘My ChurchSuite’, please drop us an e-mail to:
Guide to Giving Online
We are so grateful for the many hundreds of people, who in being part of CLM, give financially. CLM’s work - its ministries and mission - is funded by the generous and faithful giving of the congregation.
At CLM we believe God Himself is the most extravagant Giver of all. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son… (John 3:16). We also believe that stewardship and generosity with wealth are major subjects in the Bible and specifically:
We are all encouraged to be generous in giving to the work of God (see esp. 2 Cor 8:1-7 and 9:6-12)
First things belong to God and we should tithe (give 10%) as a starting point (see esp. Mal 3:6-12)
God will judge us on our relative generosity, not the actual amount given (see esp. Luke 21:1-4 and Matt 25:14-30)
To hear some teaching from CLM around the subject of giving, we invite you to listen to two messages from Ps. Martin from March 2020 – ‘The Cup and the Bucket’ and ‘The Principle of First Things’.
If you have any questions about giving, please email the dedicated Finance Team on
Thank you for your generosity.