Baby Dedication Services
For our next Baby Dedications, we will be holding separate services at our Coventry Central and Coventry North sites.
Our next Coventry Central Dedication Service will be on Sunday 14 July at 4.00pm, and will take the form of a separate afternoon service. The service will last approximately 45 minutes, and will be tailored for guests and little ones.
Our next Coventry North Dedication Service will be on Sunday 25 August, and will be included as part of our Sunday Morning Service, which starts at 10.30am.
We will also be running a joint mandatory ‘Preparing for Dedication’ Session on Zoom on Wednesday 3 July at 8.00pm. This session is for those dedicating children at either site, and you will need to indicate that you will be able to attend this on the sign-up form.
If you would like to dedicate your little one, please click below to sign up for the relevant service, dependant on which location you attend on Sundays.
If you have any questions, please click here to drop us an e-mail.