Worship Team
COVID Guidelines

Last updated: April 2021

Please can we remind everyone of the COVID-19 precautionary measures that have been put in place for those visiting the building:

  1. Upon arrival cars should where possible please leave an empty space between cars

  2. Once you enter the building you will need to sign-in using the signing in sheets on reception.

  3. You will need to bring your own water bottles if needed

  4. Throughout the evening, including during worship, only the 'designated' singers are permitted to sing, the rest of worship team should still engage as fully as possible, but you are not allowed to sing or raise your voices

  5. Every person has been given a space with at least 2m separation from everyone else on stage

  6. Wherever possible the use of public transport should be avoided

  7. Only those required for the recording should attend

  8. Singers should only sing when on stage, in their predefined positions (taped), facing forwards always - even in rehearsal.

Due to the recent government COVID-19 updates pertaining to corporate worship dated 11 January 2020 we will implement additional and new necessary mitigations in line with the updated guidance (on top of all existing mitigations), notably:

  • Back line musicians to wear face-masks on during ministry and off the platform unless exempt

  • Crane camera and roving camera operators to wear double mitigations of face mask and visor

  • Sound engineers and other members of the Production team to wear double mitigation of facemask and visor when entering the platform area if it is occupied with others

  • All battery changes to IEM packs and microphones to be completed by a sound technician to minimise points of potential COVID infection

If you have any questions regarding any of the Covid-19 measures listed above or have a medical condition preventing you from adhering to any of the above, then please let me know ASAP.

Please note: Singers and musicians please remember to bring your own earphones for the rehearsal next week Wednesday evening and for the livestream service next week Sunday.