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Update from Pastors Martin and Esther | Friday 27 March

Hi everyone!

Wow, what a whirlwind the last couple of weeks have been.  We are writing a brief update to all who we understand are part of CLM Church…


We are so aware that this is a challenging time for so many – due to sickness, isolation, impact on livelihoods, children now being off school etc. Every one of us is having to come to terms with an enormous amount of change which can be extremely tough. We are so grateful for our amazing life group structure and the incredible way so many people are looking out for one another at this time.  Please do what you can to look out for those you know within the CLM family

If you feel you are somehow falling ‘through the cracks’, please contact us by emailing online@clmchurch.co.uk and we will see how we can help.  We are also working hard to ensure even within the current constraints of home-working, that we have our phone lines personally ‘manned’ during office hours Monday-Friday – 02476 226698. 

Additionally, we discussed as a Board last night how we might be able to support those in financial need in the coming weeks and months. It is a work in progress, but in our hearts.


We have moved all our ministries online – Youth, Kids, Life Groups, Men’s Football etc!

It has been so good to know many of our young people have been connecting through Instagram Live each day, and so encouraging to see the life groups Zoom pictures

The church team have done incredibly well in the last two weeks, working extremely hard, and adapting quickly.  We have been home-working since Tuesday and using online platforms to ‘meet’!

Amongst other things we have also made personal contact with all our ‘over-70’s’ ensuring they have all they need and are able to remain connected in the church family.

We are also looking to start some new ‘online’ Rooted groups in the next couple of weeks, as many people have new time available to progress their discipleship.


We see the Lord at work as the Church is being forced online.  We know already of so many people who would never normally come through our doors on a Sunday, who joined our online service last weekend!  We are currently working on this Sunday’s online service and believing the Lord will help us to reach wider. 

We also heard a wonderful testimony today of a lady who was in hospital with coronavirus.  Her friend from CLM rallied prayer for her and she said she felt ‘covered in prayer’. She is now home, recovering, and wants to come to church!  The first of many such testimonies, we are sure.


Steve Jones has been keeping close to all of our Mission Partners in the city.  The scale and speed of change has been demanding for all of our partners, presenting a number of challenges.  We are seeing how we can help and looking at ways we might be ready to make a difference, especially in our city, once lockdown is lifted.

Today we have received an invitation to join a national network of churches engaging with the government, to help play our part in serving our communities in this time of crisis.  We will be exploring this further, but it looks exciting!

Beyond that, we encourage all of us to use our online services and social media to send encouragements out to those outside the church who would be receptive to a message of love and hope at this time.


As you may be aware, we have been posting daily video thoughts and encouragements (Monday-Saturday) on social media @clmtoday (Instagram and Facebook).  We are aware there are a lot of voices speaking at the moment.  We aren’t trying to ‘add to the noise’, but to provide perspective and hope – especially for the CLM Church family.  We’ll be moving these daily videos onto our main social media platforms from next week – and we encourage you to connect and tune in.  If you aren’t on Instagram or Facebook, we invite you to create an account and to follow us @clmchurchcov – as one of the most effective ways to stay connected at this time. 


We are currently working on our online service for this Sunday – found, exactly like last week, via the homepage of our website, or directly through our YouTube Channel.  Please be ready to join us in your homes at the usual times of 9.15am, 11.30am and 6.00pm – but don’t forget, the clocks go forward 1 hour on Saturday night!

This week’s service will be coming from a couple of homes around the city, including ours! We look forward to you joining us. Please think and pray about who you could send a link to and ‘invite to church’!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragements!

Yours for King and kingdom,
Martin and Esther