‘21 Days of Prayer’ in January has now become a well-established focus in CLM’s calendar. What a wonderful time it has been in the past, as we have drawn aside to make space for God, to pray fervently, to enjoy His presence and to commit the year to the Lord.

We are calling this year’s 21 Days, ‘Pray First’, not only because we begin the year with a clear prayer focus, but also as we seek to embed ‘pray first’ as a healthy habit: before we start our day, before we step into new situations, before we meet others, before challenges arise and ahead of celebrations.  Whatever we do, let’s pray first!

Please see below for some key details and important information.

Prayer Guide & CLM Kids Wall Chart

Please use the links below to either access a digital copy of this year’s Prayer Guide or to request a printed copy of the Prayer Guide, or our specially created CLM Kids Wall Chart (and stickers)!

Please note, PRINTED COPIES WILL BE POSTED OUT w/c 3 JANUARY 2022 (please bear with us!). Wall Charts are expected from the printers by Thursday 6th January and will be sent out ASAP to those that have requested one.

What’s Happening?

We are encouraging everyone to: 

Engage with our Weekly Theme and Daily Verse

Each of our three weeks will have a main focus or theme this year and each day has a Bible verse in line with that theme. Why not use the daily verse in your personal time with God.

Gather in Life Groups/Student Connect

If you are part of a Life Group/Student Connect, we encourage you to prioritise meeting together during this special time of prayer. These gatherings will be a great source of weekly strength as you stand with others who are also setting this time aside to seek God.

Use the Prayer Shield 

Within our Prayer Guide, you will find a daily prayer guide called the ‘Prayer Shield’ – with 7 areas for prayer from Monday-Sunday. We invite you to use this daily guide alongside your devotions and personal prayer priorities, as we seek to align our emphasis across the whole church. 

Join us for our Prayer Meetings

During the 21 Days of Prayer, we will be meeting at the following times for prayer and worship: 

7.00am - 7.45am (Online via Zoom)

7.45pm - 9.00pm (In Person)

7.00am - 7.45am (Online via Zoom)
12.30pm - 1.30pm (In Person)

7.45pm - 9.00pm (In Person)

7.00am - 7.45am (Online via Zoom)

Fast in Some Way

Prayer and Fasting is a powerful Biblical spiritual discipline which can deeply impact you as you set aside these weeks to seek God. For further information and guidance on fasting, please refer to the Prayer Guide or the articles below.

Spotify Playlist

We’ve put together a fantastic Spotify Playlist, with hours of Worship songs to help you engage with the 21 Days of Prayer. This is made up of a combination of songs that are familiar to CLM, along with some songs that may be new to you. A number of the songs are also specifically chosen to help us engage with our three different themes for the 21 Days, ‘Come to Me’, ‘Prepare the Way’ and ‘Kingdom Come!’

We hope you enjoy the playlist and that it helps you in your personal times of devotion!

Additional Resources on Fasting

Although the CLM 21 Days of Prayer Guide has a section on fasting, we would also recommend the following articles as good further reading, especially if you are considering undertaking a longer fast, or simply want to know more:

Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer
By Bill Bright
Original article by Bill Bright found at cru.org and posted as a recommended resource by churchofthehighlands.com
(This includes a lot of helpful, practical advice).

7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer
By Bill Bright
This is an excerpt from the original article by Bill Bright found at cru.org and posted as a recommended resource by churchofthehighlands.com